About Genesis Christian Day School
My name is Lisa Weathers-Hall and I am Head of Schools for Genesis Christian Day Schools and Learning Centers. Thank you for visiting our site. As a young mother, I remember the excitement of preparing for my son’s first days of preschool. I had spent many hours examining the offerings of area schools. I was looking for a Christian school that would challenge him academically and teach the values we had begun to instill in him at home. I made phone calls, visited various schools and spent time in their classrooms. I asked the questions most parents ask. I compared tuition and fees and considered the commute to the different locations. Finally, I made my choice and enrolled my son.
The early days of my son’s schooling were challenging. He never wanted to stay. I was concerned about his unhappiness but I initially chalked it up to the newness of the situation. My son was bright and inquisitive. He loved learning. He learned quickly. He loved playing with other children. But he didn’t like the school. He never wanted to go to school. Watching my son as he interacted with the teachers in his school and listening to him each day, I began to wonder what exactly makes school a pleasant experience for children. Reading a newspaper article about an organization called the National Learning Laboratory, I began my search for answers.
Working closely with the National Learning Laboratory over the next several years, I came to understand how important a child's learning environment is and the breadth of influence that educators wield in the classroom. I also developed an enlightening grasp of how critical teachers’ attitudes and behavior are in shaping students’ ideas and feelings about school. My preconceptions about early education were forever changed.
This was the beginning of my quest to create learning environments where children experience the excitement of learning and the warmth of a nurturing atmosphere. Genesis Christian Day Schools and Learning Centers were born out of my desire to make children’s earliest and most important learning experiences the best they can be.
I invite you to visit us and see for yourself what a special school experience Genesis offers.

From 2 years old through Kindergarten, Genesis prepares children for success in school and life through our 4-prong strategy of academic, spiritual, emotional, and social enrichment. We use the prestigious Abeka Curriculum as a foundation while prioritizing creativity and flexibility within our classrooms. Most importantly, the loving and nurturing atmosphere maintained by our highly qualified staff will enable your precious child to maximize his or her potential. We don't just make good students, we make good people. Your child will love our excellent school programs, delicious Friday hot lunches, weekly Choir and PE classes, and eye-popping field trips. Our doors and arms are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., providing safe and affordable care while nurturing each child to greatness. We are certain that you will find that your child's experience is well worth the investment.
Registration: 135.00 per student
Book and Materials Fee: 145.00 per student
Weekly Tuition
Two-Year-Olds (or toilet training in progress): 349.00
Ages Three to Five: $285.00
Aftercare: $189.00
Important Notes: Weekly tuition payments are due by noon on Monday of each week. There is a $15.00 per day late charge for payments received after noon on Monday.
Bimonthly and monthly payments can be arranged and are subject to the same late charge per day past the agreed upon due dates.

Genesis Homeschool Academy
Registered with the Maryland State Department of Education, Genesis Homeschool Academy provides educational programs to support homeschooled elementary students. Genesis Homeschool Academy helps students to thrive in a nurturing environment that encourages the discovery and development of each child’s talents and abilities. Our goal is to promote the academic, emotional, social and spiritual development of every student. This is accomplished through structured learning programs facilitated by experienced and qualified staff who provide encouragement and loving emotional support.
· Every child is gifted and talented.
· Any person can acquire knowledge or skill in any subject area given proper instruction, support, encouragement and
· Every child is valuable and deserving of our attention, teaching and encouragement.
· It is our job to provide a well-managed and nurturing environment, a growing place for children to discover and
develop their God-given gifts, talents and abilities.
· Students thrive when they are encouraged to develop academically, emotionally and spiritually.
Genesis Homeschool Academy is operated by Bethany Church Ministries, a Maryland religious organization incorporated in the State of Maryland, in cooperation with Genesis Learning Corporation.
Five Day Plan with All Subjects
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
479.00 per month
Three Day Plan (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
329.00 per month
Two Day Plan ( Monday and Wednesday)
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
239.00 per month
Activities and Enrichment (Fridays Only)
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
169.00 per month
Important Note: Monthly payments are due on the first day of each month beginning in August and ending in May.

For many parents, the work day starts too early and ends too late for childcare during regular business hours alone. For others, the uplifting Christian environment that Genesis provides gives their child a level of peace, confidence, and moral grounding that they cannot find in their daily school atmosphere. That is why the Genesis aftercare program is proud to offer warmth, academic assistance, and inspiration for the students of local elementary schools at an affordable price. Homework with help is just the beginning when it comes to our exciting after care program. Other daily edifying after care activities include arts & crafts, group games, sports, and Bible lessons. Transportation is provided where applicable. And as an added amenity, on days when Prince George's County Schools are closed and Genesis is open, our Before & After Care students get to attend Genesis all day!
Registration: $135
Aftercare: $189 per week
Aftercare with Transportation: $279 per week

Super Summer Camp
Minds expanding, voices singing, hands creating, faith growing, and feet moving is how Genesis does summertime! Perfect for ages 2 - 12 years old, the Super Summer Camp adventure spans from the end of your child's school year through Labor Day. Your child will be engaged in the following activities on a weekly basis: Flash Forward Academic Enrichment, drama, dance, crafting, canvas painting, sports, video games, photography, and tea parties. Special promotions are still available so call now to enroll. Space is limited.
Registration & Activity Fee: $95
2 - 12 Year Olds: $269 per week
Non-Potty Trained Campers: $359 per week
Our Mission
Our mission is to equip students to be agents of positive change in the world through an inspiring, well-rounded, and challenging Christian education. By the grace of God, the help of numerous devoted and skilled educators, and the power of Christ's love, we have been accomplishing this goal throughout the DC metropolitan area for over 20 years. We look forward to serving your family and assisting you in raising another future champion!